Pleco fish: everything you need to know about this interesting seaweed eater

Fresh water


The article in brief

The pleco fish is a captivating but demanding fish that is attracting a great deal of interest from aquarists. Here's what you need to know about this special species:

  • Impressive size up to 50 cm in aquariums, requiring a large volume of water
  • Omnivorous diet not just a seaweed eater
  • Character Can become territorial and aggressive with age
  • Longevity up to 20 years, a long-term commitment
  • Delicate maintenance : requires specific conditions and is not suitable for beginners

Ah, the pleco fish ! A real phenomenon in the world of aquariums. As a pet shop floor manager for several years, I've had the opportunity to see many of these captivating algae-eaters come and go. Let me tell you about this very special fish, which arouses both enthusiasm and questions among aquarists.

Pleco: an extraordinary fish

Le pleco fishThe lobster, whose scientific name is Hypostomus plecostomus, is a member of the Loricariidae family. Native to South America, it is found mainly in the white waters of Panama, Uruguay, Suriname and Guyana. The first thing that strikes you about this fish is its unusual appearance:

  • A body covered in bone plates
  • A suction-cup-shaped mouth
  • Fins with spines

I still remember my first encounter with an adult pleco. I was impressed by its size! In the wild, these fish can grow to 70 to 80 cm, but in the aquarium they generally only grow to 25 to 50 cm.

A seaweed eater like no other

Contrary to what many people think, the pleco is not just a simple "aquarium cleaner". It certainly feasts on algaeIt is an omnivore. It appreciates plants and will not say no to a few prey items from time to time. This is a crucial aspect to understand to ensure its well-being in captivity.

A strong character

Don't be fooled by its placid appearance! The pleco can become territorial and even aggressive as it ages. I've seen more than one novice aquarist surprised by this change in behaviour. So it's important to think carefully before adopting this fish, which can live for more than 15 to 20 years.

Maintaining a pleco in an aquarium: a major challenge

If you are planning to host a pleco fish It's not a decision to be taken lightly. Here's what you need to know to give your pet the best possible living conditions:

A sizeable living space

Forget the small 50-litre aquarium! For a pleco, you need to think big. A minimum volume of 400 to 1000 litres is recommended. This is one of the reasons why I often advise beginners against this fish. Here is a table summarising the ideal parameters:

Parameter Recommended value
Volume of water 400-1000 litres
Temperature 23-27°C
pH 5,5-7,8

The right décor and well-chosen companions

The pleco likes shady areas to rest in during the day. So provide hiding places and plants. But beware: this fish can be destructive and damage the decor. As for cohabitation, forget goldfish and small species. However, some South American cichlids can make good companions.

If you're looking for a smaller, easy-to-maintain alternative, I recommend taking a look at theAncistrus and its adult size. It's a cousin of pleco, just as effective against algae, but much more suited to medium-sized aquariums.

Pleco fish: everything you need to know about this interesting seaweed eater

Pleco: between myth and reality

Over the years, I've heard a lot of preconceived ideas about pleco. It's time to set the record straight:

An aquarium cleaner?

This is the most common mistake. Yes, pleco eats algae, but it's not enough on its own to keep an aquarium clean. What's more, its size and specific needs make it an unwise choice for this function alone.

A fish that's easy to keep?

Well, not really! Its large size, its need for space and water quality, and its destructive potential make it a demanding fish. Not to mention its longevity: are you ready to commit to 15 to 20 years?

A fish for every aquarium?

Absolutely not. The pleco is a species that requires thought. It is not adapted to small volumes and can become invasive if released into the wild. In fact, did you know that it can survive for several hours out of water? That's how adaptable it is!

For those interested in the technical aspects of maintenance, I invite you to consult this article on theAncistrus and its ideal temperature range. Although different from pleco, Ancistrus shares certain requirements in terms of water parameters.

A captivating but demanding fish

Ultimately, the pleco fish is an interesting creature that deserves our respect and attention. Keeping them requires thought, space and a long-term commitment. If you're up for the challenge, you'll be rewarded with a unique and charismatic fish in your aquarium.

Always remember that every fish, whether a pleco or another species, deserves the best possible living conditions. As aquarists, it's our responsibility to provide them with that. So, are you ready to welcome a pleco into your home?

External sources :
wiki aquaculture
wiki fish farming

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