Soil for shrimp aquariums: choosing the best substrate

Fresh water


Choosing the right soil for a shrimp aquarium may seem complex, but with a few tips and tricks, it's child's play. As a young pet shop floor manager and animal lover, I've discovered how important this choice is for the well-being of our little residents.

Understanding the different types of soil for shrimp aquariums

The soil in an aquarium plays a crucial role in the health of the shrimp and the stability of the ecosystem. Soils can be divided into three main categories: technical soils, neutral soils and "homemade" soils. Each has its own characteristics and meets specific needs.

Technical floors

Technical soils such as ADA soil are very popular for shrimp aquariums. They are designed to be rich in nutrients and stabilise water parameters, which are essential for Caridina cantonensis shrimps. The benefits of engineered soils include:

  • Stabilisation of water parameters: They help to maintain a stable pH, which is important for the survival of shrimp.
  • Rich in nutrients: These soils provide essential nutrients for plants, creating a favourable environment for prawns.
  • Less dust: The granulometry is generally perfect, which reduces the risk of dust clouds in the water.

Popular options include :

Soil nameParticle sizeSpecial features
ADA Amazonia Ver. 2Fine particle sizeRich in nutrients, ideal for plants and shrimps
Akadama IbarakiAverage particle sizeHelps maintain a low pH, low dust content
JBL Manado DarkAverage particle sizeRinsing required before use, suitable for planted aquariums

Neutral soils

Neutral soils, such as Loire sand or quartz, do not alter water parameters and are often chosen for their simplicity. Neocaridina shrimps, for example, do very well in these soils. Here are the advantages of these soils:

  • Neutrality of parameters: They do not influence the pH or hardness of the water, offering great stability.
  • Easy maintenance: Easy to clean, they require little maintenance once in place.
  • Can be combined with other materials: You can combine them with fertilisers to support plants.

Commonly used neutral soils include :

  • Loire sand: Ideal for its neutrality and ease of maintenance.
  • White quartz: Perfect for highlighting blue or black shrimp.
  • Crushed basalt: A good choice for neutral-water shrimps such as Davidi.

A little anecdote: the other day, a customer was desperate to create a contrast between the colour of her prawns and that of the sand. Tested and approved, white sand with blue prawns is a real feast for the eyes!

Application and tips for a homemade substrate

If you like to do-it-yourself and want a cost-effective solution, homemade soil can be ideal. This type of substrate is made from topsoil or potting soil, ideally cactus soil for its drainage properties.

How to prepare a home floor

Here's how it works:

  1. Choosing the soil: Select a quality potting soil with no chemical additives.
  2. Spread the substrate: Place a 4 to 5 cm layer at the back of the aquarium, decreasing towards the front down to 1 cm.
  3. Cover with sand: Use coarse, non-calcareous sand, such as quartz or Loire sand, to cover the topsoil.

A few more tips:

  • Playing with colours: Use white quartz sand to highlight blue or black shrimp, and black sand for yellow or orange shrimp.
  • Rinsing: Always rinse floors before use to avoid dust.
  • Add lava stones: They stabilise the hardscape and support plant roots.

The other day, I assisted a customer who was very concerned about the well-being of her prawns. She had read on forums that using Manado soil could increase water parameters. Fortunately, a simple tip about rinsing before use changed everything for her!

Soil for shrimp aquariums: choosing the best substrate for healthy shrimp

Special floors for shrimps

Special shrimp floors are designed to meet the specific needs of shrimp. They often combine the advantages of technical soils with a composition adapted to shrimps. These soils aim to offer a complete solution, often without the need for additional additives.

Characteristics of special floors

These floors offer a number of advantages:

  • The right grain size: The perfect grain size to reduce the risk of injury to shrimp.
  • Rich in nutrients: Supplies all the nutrients needed for healthy plants and shrimps.
  • Stable water parameters: Maintain a stable pH and hardness, essential for some of the more delicate shrimp species.

Some examples of special floors for shrimp include:

  • Shrimp king Active Soil
  • GlasGarten Environment Aquarium Soil
  • DENNERLE Shrimp king Active Soil brown

Tips and advice for special floors

Here are a few tips for maximising the benefits of these floors:

  • Test water parameters regularly: Although these soils stabilise the parameters, it is advisable to check the pH and KH regularly to prevent any imbalance.
  • Pre-rinsing: Even special floors should be rinsed before use to remove any manufacturing residues.
  • Regular maintenance: Add a few lava stones to encourage bacterial support and stabilise the hardscape.

In fact, one of our regulars, a real shrimp enthusiast, swears by Shrimp king Active Soil for the reproduction of his Caridina. An amusing anecdote: he calls them his "babies" and gives them first names!

Selection of the best products for shrimp aquarium floors

Having explored the different options, here is a selection of the best floors for shrimp aquariums, based on their popularity and effectiveness.

ProductTypeSpecial features
Ada Aqua Gravel STechnicalStabilises parameters, rich in nutrients
Dennerle Crystal QuartzNeutralNeutral, easy to maintain
Shirakura Red Bee SandTechnicalFavours reproduction, very aesthetic
GlasGarten Environment Aquarium SoilSpecialComplete, with no need for additional add-ons

Finally, it's important to understand that each type of shrimp may have its own specific preferences, and it's always a good idea to find out more before investing in a substrate. Whether it's for breeding, growth or simply aesthetics, choosing the right substrate for your shrimp aquarium is a crucial decision. Take into account your specific needs and those of your little inhabitants when choosing the best substrate.

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