Feeding betta splendens : Complete guide to feeding betta splendens

Fresh water


The article in brief

Betta splendens' diet is crucial to its health and beauty. Here are the key points to remember:

  • Natural carnivorous diet insects, larvae and small invertebrates
  • High demand for proteins (30-40% of the plan)
  • Meals 1 to 2 times a day in small quantities
  • Essential food variety pellets, live and frozen foods
  • Prefer floating food adapted to this surface fish

Ah, the bettas splendens! These magnificent, flamboyantly-coloured fish have always turned heads in my aquarium department. But did you know that feeding them is crucial to their health and beauty? After years of advising enthusiasts, I'm going to let you in on all my secrets for feeding these little fighters like kings!

Natural diet of the betta splendens

In their natural habitat, bettas splendens are true carnivores. These small predators feast mainly on insects and small invertebrates that they hunt on the surface of the water. It's interesting to observe them in their element!

Their wild diet consists mainly of :

  • Mosquito larvae
  • Small crustaceans
  • Aquatic worms
  • Insects on the surface of the water

In the aquarium, it is vital to respect this natural diet as much as possible to ensure their well-being. I remember a customer who fed his betta only tropical fish flakes. The poor little thing had lost all its beautiful colours! Fortunately, we quickly put things right.

Specific nutritional requirements

Bettas have very specific nutritional requirements. They require a diet high in proteinideally between 30% and 40% of their diet. This is what allows them to maintain their musculature and magnificent fins.

But be careful not to overdo it! A diet that's too rich can quickly turn into a nightmare for their little stomachs. I've seen more than one betta suffer from constipation due to protein overfeeding.

Meal frequency

In the wild, bettas eat frequently but in small quantities. In aquariums, we recommend feeding them 1 to 2 times a dayBy giving them just what they can consume in 2-3 minutes. It's a bit like us with snacking, you have to know how to moderate yourself!

A little trick I've learnt from experience: introduce one day of fasting a week. It may sound cruel, but it's excellent for their digestive system. And believe me, they're all the better for it!

Ideal aquarium food

Now that we've understood what our little friends need, let's get down to the practical side. How do you feed your betta splendens in an aquarium to keep it in top condition?

Variety of foods

The key to a successful diet for your betta is variety! Imagine eating pasta every day... Not very exciting, is it? It's the same for our fish. Here's a summary table of the different types of food to offer them:

Type of food Frequency Benefits
Specific granules for betta Daily Balanced nutrition, easy to dose
Live food (daphnia, artemia) 2-3 times a week Stimulates the hunting instinct, rich in nutrients
Frozen food (mud worms, mosquito larvae) 1-2 times a week Close to a natural, protein-rich diet
Tropical fish glitter Occasional A varied supply of vitamins and minerals

Don't hesitate to play with this variety! Your bettas will thank you with brilliant colours and unfailing vitality.

Quantity and quality

Quantity is as important as quality when it comes to feeding your betta. Too little, and it risks becoming weak. Too much, and the door is open to health problems. There's an art to it!

For an adult betta, a portion of 5 to 7 pellets per meal is generally sufficient. If you opt for live or frozen food, a small pinch will do the trick. The important thing is to observe your fish: if it leaves any food, it's because you've put in too much.

As for quality, always choose foods specifically formulated for bettas. They are designed to meet their particular nutritional needs. And above all, avoid cheap foods full of cereal flours. Your bettas deserve better!

Feeding betta splendens : Complete guide to feeding betta splendens

Tips for an optimal diet

After all these years looking after these little aquatic jewels, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for optimising their diet. Let me share them with you!

Choosing floating foods

Bettas are surface fish. In the wild, they spend their time stalking their prey just below the surface of the water. In an aquarium, therefore, opt for floating food. Not only is it more natural for them, but it will also help you control their food intake.

I once had a customer who couldn't understand why his betta wasn't eating. He gave him pellets that sank straight to the bottom. The poor fish couldn't even see them go by! Since switching to floating food, his betta has become a real glutton.

The importance of cleaning

A crucial point that is often overlooked: remove uneaten food quickly. Leftover food decomposes quickly and can pollute the aquarium water. This opens the door to health problems for your betta.

Personally, I've got into the habit of doing a little check-up 10 minutes after each meal. A flick of the net and the aquarium is as clean as a whistle!

A well-fed betta is a healthy betta

As you will have realised, the diet of your betta splendens is a key factor in its health and beauty. By respecting its nutritional needs and varying its menu, you're giving it the best possible chance to flourish in its aquarium.

Remember, every betta is unique. Keep a close eye on yours and adapt its diet to suit its preferences and behaviour. With a little care and a lot of love, your little fighter will become the undisputed star of your aquarium!

And if you're ever in doubt, don't hesitate to ask a professional for advice. After all, that's what we're here for! Taking care of these magnificent creatures is a real passion of mine, and nothing gives me greater pleasure than sharing it with other fish lovers.

External sources :

wiki aquaculture

wiki fish farming

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