An excellent choice for aquarists, Blue Velvet shrimps add a touch of beauty and vibrancy to any freshwater aquarium. Known for their bright, vibrant blue colour, they belong to the species Neocaridina davidi. Let's take a look at how to raise and care for these little wonders.
Aquarium blue velvet shrimp: description and characteristics
Blue Velvet prawns, also known as Neocaridina davidiare a variety of freshwater shrimp selected for their magnificent blue colour. This characteristic hue is the result of rigorous selection in specialised breeding centres.
Physical description
When fully grown, these blue shrimps generally measure between 1.5 and 3 cm. Their small size makes them perfect for aquariums of any size. Their lifespan varies from 1 to 2 years, depending on the quality of care they receive and the environment in which they live.
Ideal water parameters
Blue Velvets tolerate a wide range of water parameters, making them relatively easy to maintain. Here are the ideal conditions for their well-being:
- Temperature: 18°C to 27°C (ideally between 21°C and 23°C)
- pH: 6 to 8
- GH: 2 to 13
- KH: 3 to 10
They can be kept in tap water, provided it is of good quality. It is a good idea to carry out regular water changes20% every fortnight, to maintain a clean and stable environment.
Eating habits and behaviour
These shrimps are detritivores and opportunists. They feed mainly on algae, biofilm and plants, but do not attack living animals or plants. Their diet can be supplemented with pellets specifically formulated for shrimps, as well as blanched green vegetables such as cucumber or courgette.
Aquarium layout for blue velvet shrimp
To provide the best possible environment for these little creatures, their habitat needs to be carefully designed.
Ideal configuration
A well-planted aquarium with plants, rocks and driftwood is ideal for Blue Velvet shrimps. These elements encourage the growth of algae and biofilm, which form an important part of their diet. A thin layer of dark substrate is recommended to reduce their stress levels.
Cohabitation and social behaviour
Blue Velvet shrimp live in communities, generally in groups of at least 10 individuals. They can cohabit with other peaceful shrimps such as Amano shrimps, as well as microfish and snails.
Precautions to be taken
It is vital to note that these shrimps are very sensitive to copper. Even low levels can be fatal. It is therefore essential to avoid any products containing copper in their environment.

Reproduction of blue velvet shrimp
Reproduction of Blue Velvet shrimp is not complicated. They multiply easily in the right living conditions.
Reproduction conditions
It is not necessary to specifically modify the water parameters to encourage reproduction. Simply maintain the standard conditions and make sure you provide enough algae and biofilm to feed the newborns.
Growth of young shrimp
Young Blue Velvet shrimps will benefit from the same water quality and environment as adults if they are to grow healthily. To find out more about the precise nutritional requirements of young shrimp, you can consult the complete guide to a balanced diet.
Where to buy quality blue velvet shrimp
To acquire quality specimens, it is essential to choose reliable sources. Blue Velvet prawns are easy to find online, often with a live arrival guarantee under certain conditions.
Here are some recommended addresses for buying quality aquarium shrimpswho will guide you to the best retailers.
Always make sure that the seller offers a guarantee on the health of the shrimp on arrival to avoid any nasty surprises.
Find out more about rearing and caring for blue velvet shrimp
To expand your knowledge and ensure the well-being of your shrimps, I recommend you consult various comprehensive guides and resources on the subject.
For example, an excellent breeding guide will give you all the keys to success. Visit this complete guide to successful shrimp aquarium breeding and discover tried and tested tips and techniques.
Finally, don't forget that the choice of substrate for your aquarium is vital for the health of your shrimps. To find out which substrate is best suited to your shrimp, visit our dedicated guide : choosing the best substrate for a shrimp aquarium.
As a great animal lover, I've always found it rewarding to see my shrimps thrive with careful care and a well thought-out environment. These little creatures can bring a lot of life and colour to your aquarium with relatively little effort on your part. So don't hesitate to embark on this exciting aquatic adventure!