Le ryukin fish is a fascinating variety of goldfish that attracts the attention of aquarists all over the world. As a pet shop floor manager for several years, I've had the opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures up close and share my passion with many customers. Today, I'd like to offer you a complete guide to caring for your ryukin in the aquarium, revealing all the secrets you need to know to ensure it thrives and flourishes.
Characteristics and origin of ryukin
Ryukin is a type of Carassius auratusmore commonly known as goldfish. Originally from China, it was imported to Japan in the 18th century, where it gained in popularity thanks to its unique appearance. I still remember my first encounter with a ryukin - I was literally stunned by its distinctive silhouette!
Here are the main physical characteristics of the ryukin:
- Egg-shaped body with a pronounced dorsal hump
- High, well-developed dorsal fin
- Double tail with 3-4 lobes, very elegant
- Adult size between 15 and 25 cm
- Service life of up to 10 to 20 years
Ryukin comes in a wide range of colours, from bright red and pearly white to deep black and calico. This diversity of shades makes it a veritable aquatic rainbow that's sure to brighten up your home!
Behaviour and socialisation
Contrary to what you might think, the ryukin is a rather active and sociable fish. It enjoys the company of its fellow fish and can even be slightly aggressive towards smaller species. That's why it's best to keep them with other double-finned goldfish of a similar size.
Reproduction of ryukin
The ryukin reproduces relatively easily in groups. A female can lay up to 10,000 eggs per clutch! It's a fascinating spectacle to watch, but be careful not to end up with an overpopulation in your aquarium. Believe me, I've seen novice aquarists completely overwhelmed by the reproductive success of their ryukins!
Care and maintenance of ryukin in aquariums
To ensure the well-being of your ryukin fish in aquariumIf you're going to give your baby the best possible care, it's vital to provide the right environment. Here are the key points to bear in mind:
Ideal maintenance conditions
Ryukin need enough space to thrive. Allow a minimum volume of 100 to 150 litres per fish. The water temperature should be maintained at between 18 and 23°C, with a pH of between 6.5 and 8.0 and a hardness of between 5 and 20°dGH. Powerful filtration is essential to maintain good water quality.
Parameter | Recommended value |
Minimum volume | 100-150L per fish |
Temperature | 18-23°C |
pH | 6,5-8,0 |
Hardness | 5-20°dGH |
Don't forget to carry out weekly water changes of around 25% of the total volume. This is the key to maintaining a healthy environment and preventing the onset of disease.
Balanced diet
Ryukin is an omnivorous fish that likes a varied diet. Offer it a mixture of :
- Specific quality pellets for goldfish
- Protein-rich flakes
- Live or frozen food (artemia, daphnia, bloodworms)
Be careful not to overfeed, as the ryukin tends to be greedy. Two or three small meals a day are more than enough. A little professional tip: observe their feeding behaviour carefully, and you'll soon learn to recognise their preferences!
Aquarium decoration and layout
To make sure your ryukin feels like a fish in water (no pun intended), remember to furnish its living space with care. Opt for artificial plants, as ryukins tend to uproot natural plants. Install rounded hiding places with no sharp edges to give them a place to rest.
Avoid decorations that are too sharp or rough, which could injure their delicate fins. A background of fine sand or smooth gravel will be perfect for them to dig around without risk of injury.
The health and well-being of ryukin
As a keen aquarist, I know just how important it is to look after the health of our little protégés. Here are a few tips on how to keep your ryukin in tip-top shape:
Prevention of common illnesses
Ryukins are prone to certain ailments, including swim bladder disorders and dropsy. To prevent these problems, make sure you :
- Maintaining excellent water quality
- Avoid sudden temperature changes
- Offering a balanced diet
- Regularly observe the behaviour of your fish
At the slightest sign of illness (erratic swimming, loss of appetite, swelling), don't hesitate to consult a specialist vet. Quick action is often crucial to saving your little aquatic companion.
Enrichment and stimulation
To help your ryukin flourish, remember to vary its environment and stimulate it regularly. For example, you could :
- Rearrange your aquarium decor from time to time
- Offer floating toys suitable for fish
- Vary the types of food and times of distribution
These little touches will contribute greatly to your ryukin's well-being and strengthen your bond with him. I still remember the first time I saw a ryukin playing with a little floating ring - it was really touching!
The art of choosing and integrating a ryukin into your aquarium
To sum up this guide, let me give you some advice on how to choose your ryukin and integrate it harmoniously into your aquarium:
1. Look at the fish carefully before buying: it should be lively, have intact fins and breathe regularly.
2. Make sure your aquarium is perfectly cycled and stable before introducing your new resident.
3. Acclimatise gently, allowing the bag to float in the aquarium for 15-20 minutes before releasing the fish.
4. Introduce the ryukin last if you have other fish, to avoid territorial conflicts.
By following this advice and providing the right care, you'll give your ryukin the best chance of thriving in its new environment. Don't forget that every fish has its own personality, so take the time to discover that of your new aquatic companion. That's what makes aquaristics so fascinating!
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced aquarist, the ryukin will win you over with its elegance and endearing character. So, are you ready to dive into the adventure of the ryukin fish in aquarium ?