The ancistrus is a captivating fish that has captured the hearts of many aquarists. Native to South America, this peaceful little cleaner has become a star of aquariums the world over. Let's delve into the captivating world of this fish with its unique characteristics and discover how to care for it so that it flourishes in our tanks.
Discovery of the ancistrus: an extraordinary fish
Origins and natural habitat
L'ancistrus is a freshwater fish native to South America. It is mainly found in the Amazon basin and the Rio Negro in Brazil. These warm, slightly acidic rivers are its natural habitat. I was lucky enough to visit these regions during a trip and I can tell you that it's a real paradise for lovers of tropical fish!
Unique physical characteristics
What is immediately striking about ancistrus is its atypical appearance. Its body is covered in bony plates, giving it the appearance of a small aquatic dinosaur. Its suction-cup-shaped mouth enables it to attach itself to surfaces and to graze on food. algae. Males can be distinguished by the presence of excrescences on the muzzle, which are absent in females. This difference is reminiscent of the distinction between male and female molly fishalthough the criteria are different.
Behaviour and lifestyle
Ancistrus is a peaceful, nocturnal fish. It spends its days hiding in the recesses of the aquarium and comes out at night to feed. Males can be territorial with each other, but generally remain peaceful with other species. An interesting feature of this fish is its ability to breathe atmospheric air, which enables it to survive in poorly oxygenated waters.
Care and maintenance of ancistrus in aquariums
Designing the ideal home
To make your ancistrus feel at home, you need to recreate an environment close to its natural surroundings. An aquarium of at least 140-200 litres is recommended for a group of ancistrus. The water temperature should be maintained between 23 and 28°C, with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. Don't forget to include plenty of hiding places, roots and hardy plants in your decor. Personally, I love using hollowed-out coconuts as shelters - it gives the aquarium an exotic feel!
Balanced diet
The ancistrus is an omnivorous fish with a herbivorous tendency. In the wild, it feeds mainly on algae. In the aquarium, you can feed it :
- Natural algae in the aquarium
- Fresh vegetables (courgette, cucumber, spinach)
- Specific plant granules for loricariids
- Small amounts of fruit (melon, watermelon)
Make sure you vary your dog's diet to ensure it gets all the nutrients it needs. One thing I've discovered: they love to nibble on dried almond leaves!
Reproduction and rearing of fry
Ancistrus reproduction in aquariums is relatively easy. The females lay between 50 and 100 eggs, which the males guard and ventilate for 4 to 10 days. Once hatched, the fry quickly feed themselves. It's always a magical moment to see these little miniature suckers exploring the aquarium!
Parameter | Value |
Medium size | 10-15 cm |
Longevity | 8-20 years |
Minimum volume | 140-200 litres |
Temperature | 23-28°C |
pH | 5,5-7,5 |
The challenges of ancistrus breeding
Although theancistrus is considered an easy fish to keep, it can encounter a few health problems. The most common diseases are dropsy, exophthalmos and fin rot. Good water quality and a balanced diet are essential to prevent these ailments.
Aquarium maintenance is essential: a weekly water change of 20-30% is recommended. As a pet shop floor manager, I'm constantly reminding my customers of the importance of this routine in maintaining a healthy environment for their fish.
Ancistrus can generally cohabit with other species in a community tank. However, care must be taken not to mix it with overly aggressive or territorial fish that could cause it stress.
Finally, don't forget that ancistrus can live for up to 20 years! It's a long-term commitment. I always cringe when I see people buying these fish on a whim without realising the responsibility involved.
If you look after your ancistrus with care and passion, you'll have the pleasure of watching this fascinating little cleaner grow for many years to come. And who knows, maybe you'll become as hooked on these adorable sucker fish as I am!
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