Green sumatran bearded duck: discovery of an exotic bird



The article in brief

The Green Sumatran Barbet is a colourful, active freshwater fish that aquarists love for its charm and liveliness.

  • Origin : Puntigrus tetrazonafamily Cyprinidae
  • Size 5-7 cm when adult
  • Habitat Aquarium size: 80-120 litres minimum, water between 20-28°C
  • Power supply Omnivore, varied diet
  • Behaviour : Gregarious, to be kept in groups of 6-10 individuals

Ah, the green Sumatran bearded beetleWhat an interesting little fish! As a keen aquarist, I've been lucky enough to observe these colourful creatures up close in my department. Let me introduce you to this aquatic jewel that has been brightening up our aquariums for years.

Who is the green Sumatran bearded bird?

Le green Sumatran bearded beetleThe tetrapod, whose scientific name is Puntigrus tetrazona, is a small freshwater fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family. Formerly known as Puntius tetrazona, this charming swimmer has recently been reclassified. But make no mistake, whether it's Puntigrus or Puntius, it's still the same bright, colourful fish we love so much!

Physical characteristics

This small cyprin measures between 5 and 7 cm when fully grown. What makes it special? A bright green coat that earns it its nickname. However, don't be surprised if you come across orange specimens with black stripes: this is the wild form. The green variety we know is the result of selective breeding.

Behaviour and personality

Active and lively, the green Sumatran bearded sea bass is a true aquarium sportsman. They love to swim in groups and can be quite playful. Be careful, though, as these little devils can sometimes be quite temperamental! I've often observed that they can become a little aggressive towards other species if their living conditions are not optimal.

Longevity and life cycle

On average, our bearded friends live between 3 and 6 years. That's a relatively short lifespan, but one that allows you to observe the evolution of several generations if you decide to try your hand at reproduction. They are oviparous and lay their eggs in open water.

The ideal habitat for the Green Sumatran Barbet

So that your green Sumatran bearded beetle It's essential to provide the right environment for them to flourish. Here are the key elements for creating a little aquatic paradise for these skilled swimmers.

Water parameters

These fish like their water temperature to be between 20 and 28°C, with the ideal being around 24-27°C. The pH should be between 6.0 and 7.5, and the hardness between 3 and 15°GH. I once saw an aquarium where the bearded fish seemed particularly stressed. After checking, the water was too acidic. A little adjustment and our friends were back to their lively selves!

Aquarium layout

For a group of green Sumatran beards, you'll need an aquarium of at least 80-120 litres. They love a well-planted setting that offers them plenty of hiding places, while maintaining sufficient swimming space. Don't forget to cover your aquarium: these clever little creatures are great jumpers! Here's a list of the essentials for their habitat:

  • Various aquatic plants
  • Rocks and driftwood to create shelters
  • A fine substrate
  • An effective filter to maintain good water quality
  • Moderate lighting

Cohabitation and group living

Green Sumatran bearded bass are gregarious fish. We recommend keeping them in groups of at least 6 to 10 individuals. Be careful, however, when keeping them with other species. Avoid slow or long-finned fish such as guppies, bettas or gouramis. I tried this once and quickly realised why it wasn't advisable: our teasing bearded fish kept pestering their poor long-finned neighbours!

If you're looking to diversify your aquarium, I recommend taking a look at the fish cleaners for outdoor pools. Although green Sumatran beards are aquarium fish, some species of cleaner fish can live harmoniously with them in a large, well-appointed tank.

Green sumatran bearded duck: discovery of an exotic bird

Maintenance and feeding of the Green Sumatran Barbet

Now that we've seen the ideal habitat for our little green friends, let's talk about their daily care and feeding. This is crucial to their good health and longevity.


The Green Sumatran Barbet is an omnivorous fish, which means it has a varied diet. In the wild, they feed on small insects, worms, algae and plant debris. In the aquarium, here's what you can offer them:

  • Quality pellets and flakes for tropical fish
  • Live food (daphnia, artemia)
  • Frozen food (mud worms, mosquito larvae)
  • Vegetables (blanched spinach, cooked courgettes)

I remember one customer who only fed pellets to his bearded fish. His fish were in good health, but lacked vivacity. After advising him to vary his diet, he came back to see me, amazed at the change in the behaviour of his protégés!

Aquarium maintenance

Maintaining an aquarium housing green Sumatran bearded beetles is relatively straightforward, making it a good choice for beginners. Here's a summary table of the essential maintenance tasks:

Task Frequency Importance
Partial water change Weekly (20-30%) High
Cleaning the filter Monthly Average
Monitoring water parameters Weekly High
Pruning plants As required Low

Remember, the key to a healthy aquarium is regular maintenance. Your bearded friends will thank you for your efforts by displaying vibrant colours and lively behaviour.

Aquarium reproduction

Breeding green Sumatran beards is possible in the aquarium, but requires a little preparation. Here are a few tips for ambitious aquarists:

  1. Prepare a separate egg-laying tray of about 40 litres
  2. Add fine-leafed plants for egg-laying
  3. Maintain a slightly higher temperature (28°C)
  4. Introduce a ready-to-lay pair
  5. After laying, remove the parents to prevent them from eating the eggs
  6. The fry hatch after about 24-36 hours.

Breeding can be a captivating experience, but make sure you're prepared to handle a multitude of little beards!

Health and well-being of the green Sumatran Barbet

Like all living creatures, the Green Sumatran Barbet can be prone to health problems. A good knowledge of these aspects is essential to keep your fish in perfect health.

The most common illnesses in these fish are often linked to water quality. Poorly maintained water can lead to bacterial or fungal infections. I have seen cases of bearded fish developing white spots (ichthyophthiriosis) due to stress caused by poor water quality. Prevention is the best cure: optimise your aquarium's electricity consumption can help you maintain stable, healthy conditions for your fish.

Keep a close eye on your bearded bass. A healthy fish is active, has a good appetite and bright colours. If you notice any unusual behaviour, loss of appetite or physical changes, don't hesitate to consult a vet specialising in aquariums.

In short, the Green Sumatran Barbet is an exciting fish that will bring life and colour to your aquarium. With the right care and the right environment, these little swimmers will quickly become the stars of your tank. Remember, the key to success in aquarium keeping is patience and observation. Take the time to understand your fish, and they will repay you a hundredfold!

Sources :
wiki aquaculture
wiki fish farming

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