Gourami perle: all you need to know about this tropical aquarium fish

Fresh water


The article in brief

The pearl gourami, an exciting aquarium fish, offers unique beauty and peaceful behaviour. Here are the key points:

  • Appearance : Body dotted with white spots, throat and belly orange-red
  • Behaviour: Quiet, shy, ideal for a community aquarium
  • Special feature: Surface breathing thanks to a labyrinth organ
  • Interview: Easy, suitable for beginners, requires a well-planted aquarium
  • Reproduction : Interesting show with the construction of a nest of bubbles

Ah, the gourami perle ! This little aquatic jewel has always fascinated me. Since I started out in the pet shop, I've been lucky enough to get up close and personal with these uniquely beautiful fish. Let me share with you everything I've learned about this captivating species over the years.

The pearl gourami: a living jewel in your aquarium

A multi-faceted fish

Le gourami perleits scientific name Trichopodus leeriiis a real treasure for aquarium enthusiasts. With its modest adult size of 9 to 12 cm, it adds a touch of elegance to any tank. Its body, dotted with small white spots reminiscent of pearls (hence its name), is complemented by a throat and belly of a striking orange-red.

Peaceful and intriguing behaviour

What I particularly like about the pearl gourami is its calm, shy temperament. It's fascinating to watch them swimming quietly between plants, exploring their surroundings with curiosity. Although slightly territorial, they remain peaceful housemates, ideal for a well thought-out community aquarium.

Breathing out of the ordinary

Did you know that the pearl gourami has a superpower? They have a labyrinthine organ that allows them to breathe air at the surface! It's always an amusing sight to see them come up for a breath of air from time to time. This feature gives them exceptional resistance, even in less oxygenated waters.

Creating an aquatic paradise for your pearl gourami

The ideal conditions for it to flourish

To ensure that your pearl gourami feels like a fish in water (no pun intended!), here are the parameters to be respected:

  • Temperature: between 23 and 30°C
  • pH: from 5.5 to 7.5
  • Hardness: 1 to 20 GH
  • Minimum recommended volume: 200-260 litres

A well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places will delight these shy little explorers. I've always been partial to natural settings reminiscent of their native habitat in South-East Asia.

A varied diet for vibrant colours

Pearl gouramis are not fussy omnivores. To maintain their bright colours and ensure their good health, I recommend a varied diet:

Type of food Frequency Examples
Dry food Daily Flakes, granules
Living food 2-3 times a week Artemia, daphnia
Frozen food 1-2 times a week Bloodworms, mosquito larvae

Reproduction: an interesting spectacle

The reproduction of pearl gouramis is a real spectacle! The male, recognisable by his brighter colours and slender fins, builds a nest of bubbles on the surface of the water. It's a magical moment that I was lucky enough to observe several times. Once the eggs have been laid and fertilised, the male stands guard with touching devotion.

Gourami perle: all you need to know about this tropical aquarium fish

The pearl gourami: an ideal companion for your community aquarium

With its peaceful character, the pearl gourami fits perfectly into a well-designed community aquarium. I have often recommended combining them with species such as guppies, cardinalis or corydoras. But avoid fish that are too lively or aggressive, which could stress our gourami friends.

A word of friendly advice: if you have fry in your tank, don't rely on pearl gouramis to regulate the population. They are far too slow to chase the little rascals away effectively!

As a keen aquarist, I can't recommend the pearl gourami enough. Easy to maintain, they are perfect for beginners, while offering an enchanting spectacle for experienced aquarists. With a life expectancy of 4 to 6 years, these little gems will be with you for many years to come, bringing a touch of exoticism and serenity to your home.

Don't hesitate to embark on this wonderful aquatic adventure. And who knows, maybe you'll become as hooked on these little living gems as I am!

To find out more about fish farming, take a look at these additional resources:

wiki aquaculture
wiki fish farming

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