The shrimps cold water aquarium are ideal for beginners and aquarium enthusiasts looking to diversify their ecosystem. As well as adding colour and vibrancy, they play a crucial role as detritivores, helping to keep the aquarium clean. Let's find out together how to maintain a perfect balance in your aquarium while ensuring the well-being of these fascinating little creatures.
Freshwater prawns: species and essential requirements
The freshwater prawns shrimp aquariums contain a wide range of species, each with its own requirements in terms of water volume, temperature and habitat. For an aquarium specifically for shrimps, it is recommended to keep a group of 8 to 10 individuals to meet their gregarious lifestyle needs and to avoid stress.
Caridina multidentata - amano
This species requires a minimum water volume of 60 litres. Amano prawns are well known for their effectiveness in eliminating algae and only need a temperature of between 20 and 24°C to thrive. They prefer an environment with aquatic plants and hiding places to encourage reproduction and provide protection for juveniles.
Neocaridina davidi - cherry shrimp
Easy to maintain, cherry prawns are ideal for beginners. They tolerate a wider range of temperatures (16 to 28°C) and are renowned for their ease of reproduction. They need only 30 to 60 litres of water to thrive and appreciate well-planted aquariums with a variety of microhabitats.
Caridina mariae - tiger prawn
Tiger prawns, although more sensitive, add an interesting touch of colour with their distinctive stripes. They require strict water quality and can be a challenge for experienced aquarists. A stable water temperature of between 20 and 24°C with precise hardness parameters is essential for their well-being.
Species | Minimum volume | Ideal temperature | Features |
Caridina multidentata | 60 litres | 20-24°C | Effective against algae |
Neocaridina davidi | 30-60 litres | 16-28°C | Easy to reproduce |
Caridina mariae | 30-60 litres | 20-24°C | Requires water of strict quality |
Aquarium shrimp habitat design and maintenance
Maintaining an aquarium favourable to coldwater shrimps requires a few precautions. Firstly, they prefer an environment rich in plants such as Java moss, which provides hiding places and contributes to natural filtration.
Caches and substrate
Shrimps need hiding places to protect themselves from predation and to make moulting easier. Ceramic tubes and pieces of driftwood are perfect for this. A fine-grain substrate also encourages the proliferation of micro-organisms on which shrimp feed.
Water quality and filtration
Water quality is essential. Products containing metals such as copper and iron should be avoided as they are toxic to shrimp. The water must be dechlorinated and the pH and hardness parameters adapted to the species. Gentle filtration, without powerful suction, is essential to avoid sucking in juveniles.
To find out more about the ideal filtration for a shrimp aquarium, see this complete guide.

Shrimp living with other fish
Freshwater prawns can cohabit with certain fish, but avoid large or carnivorous fish that could predate them. Ideal fish for a harmonious cohabitation include Molly, Platy, Danio Perlé Céleste, Ancistrus and Otocinclus.
Compatible species
These fish are generally peaceful and do not pose a direct threat to shrimp:
- Molly
- Platy
- Danio Perlé Celeste
- Ancistrus
- Otocinclus
Species to avoid
It is essential not to mix shrimp with other foods. typical predators :
- Botia
- Carnivorous cichlids
- Discus
- Scalaria
In a communal aquarium, shrimps can hide out much more often, making them less visible. If you're interested in cohabitation, read our guide to the best shrimp species and choose the ones best suited to your aquarium.
The emblematic shrimp in the aquarium: popular varieties
For both beginners and experienced aquarists, certain freshwater shrimps stand out for their beauty and ease of maintenance. Among the most popular are :
Caridina cf. cantonensis - red crystal crs
This elegant variety, often rated CRS, stands out for its magnificent red and white patterns. They require a impeccable water quality and are sensitive to parameter variations.
Neocaridina heteropoda - blue dream
Blue Dreams, with their intense blue colour, are prized for their ease of breeding and adaptability to a variety of water parameters. They require a water volume of between 30 and 60 litres and are fairly temperature tolerant.
Caridina cf. cantonensis - tiger
For those looking for a challenge, Tiger prawns are an excellent choice. Known for its distinctive stripes, this species requires particular attention to water quality and reproduces best in specific conditions.
With so many varieties to choose from, it's worth understanding the specific needs of each species. Consult this complete guide to rearing shrimp in aquariums for more details on how to create the ideal environment for your shrimps.
Why add shrimp to your aquarium?
Freshwater prawns aren't just attractive, they're also a great source of food. also offer numerous benefits to your aquatic ecosystem :
- Eliminating algae: Prawns, especially Amano prawns, are excellent for reducing algae in your tank.
- Natural cleaners: As detritivores, they consume food scraps and organic debris, helping to keep the water clear.
- Facilitating biological balance: Their presence encourages a diverse microfauna, which is beneficial for the aquarium.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced aquarist, adding shrimp to your aquarium can enrich your experience and improve the overall health of your ecosystem. To discover the best varieties of shrimp to add to your tank, check out this detailed guide.