Fresh water

Feeding tilapia nilotica: complete nutritional guide

Feeding tilapia nilotica: complete nutritional guide


L’article en bref L’article détaille l’alimentation optimale du tilapia nilotica pour une croissance saine et une production efficace. Voici les points essentiels : Une composition équilibrée avec 20-25% de protéines est cruciale La fréquence et la quantité des repas varient selon la taille du poisson ...

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Tilapia nilotica: characteristics and breeding of the Nile fish

Tilapia nilotica: characteristics and breeding of the Nile fish


L’article en bref Le Tilapia nilotica, poisson d’élevage populaire, présente des caractéristiques uniques et un impact mondial significatif. Voici les points clés : Adaptabilité exceptionnelle : prospère dans divers environnements, de 14 à 33°C Reproduction efficace : maturité sexuelle précoce et incubation buccale maternelle Élevage ...

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Siberian sturgeon: characteristics and habitat of this fish

Siberian sturgeon: characteristics and habitat of this fish


L’article en bref L’esturgeon sibérien, un géant préhistorique des eaux douces, fascine par ses caractéristiques uniques et son adaptabilité. Apparence : Corps allongé, museau conique, 5 rangées de plaques osseuses Habitat : Fleuves sibériens, lac Baïkal, adaptable aux eaux saumâtres Alimentation : Carnivore opportuniste, se ...

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Discus fish colour: Guide to varieties and shades

Discus fish colour: Guide to varieties and shades


The article in brief Discus fish, with their shimmering colours, fascinate aquarists with their varied and dazzling palette of colours. Let's discover their secrets: Carotenoids, particularly astaxanthin, are essential for their vivid hues Diet plays a crucial role in colour intensity Genetics and breeding are ...

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Wild discus: habitat and behaviour in the wild

Wild discus: habitat and behaviour in the wild


The article in brief The wild discus, native to the Amazon basin, is a fascinating freshwater fish for keen aquarists. Three main species: Symphysodon discus, S. aequifasciatus and S. haraldi Varied natural habitat: white, clear and black waters Living in colonies in the ...

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Discus fish prices: buying guide and current prices

Discus fish prices: buying guide and current prices


The article in brief This article details the prices of discus, the freshwater fish most popular with aquarists, and provides guidance for potential buyers. Here are the key points: Prices range from €20 to €800, depending on variety, age and rarity The quality of breeding influences the ...

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Discus fish: breeding guide and advice for aquarists

Discus fish: breeding guide and advice for aquarists


The article in brief Breeding discus, the kings of the tropical aquarium, is a delicate art requiring passion and expertise. Here are the key points: Unique characteristics: Disc shape, brilliant colours, native to Amazonia Demanding breeding conditions: Warm water (28-30°C), pH 6.0-6.8, spacious aquarium with ...

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