
Albino pleco: all about this captivating aquarium fish

Albino pleco: all about this captivating aquarium fish


L’article en bref L’albino pleco, un fascinant poisson d’aquarium originaire d’Amérique du Sud, se distingue par ses caractéristiques uniques : Robe blanche immaculée avec des yeux rouges Taille impressionnante de 35 à 50 cm à l’âge adulte Excellent nettoyeur naturel grâce à sa bouche en ...

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Killi cap lopez cohabitation: study of interactions

Killi cap lopez cohabitation: study of interactions


The article in brief Successful cohabitation of the Cap Lopez killi requires particular attention to its environment and social interactions. Here are the key points: Ideal habitat: fresh, slightly acidic water at a temperature of between 18°C and 29°C Layout: aquarium well planted with ...

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Acanthophthalmus kuhlii: long-bearded catfish

Acanthophthalmus kuhlii: long-bearded catfish


Article in brief Acanthophthalmus kuhlii is a fascinating freshwater fish with unique characteristics and intriguing behaviour. Atypical physics: Serpentiform body, 8-12 cm long, with dark stripes and barbels Adaptation: Eyes protected by a membrane, retractile spine under the eyes ...

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