Red Ancistrus: all you need to know about this aquarium cleaning fish

Fresh water


Ah, theancistrus redThis little aquarium cleaner is the talk of the town! As a pet shop floor manager, I can tell you that this fish fascinates novices and experienced aquarists alike. Let me tell you everything you need to know about this charming moustachioed critter!

Characteristics and origin of red ancistrus

A fish with an atypical physique

L'ancistrus red is a freshwater fish belonging to the Loricariidae family. Its elongated, flattened body, covered in bony plates, gives it a distinctive appearance. But what really makes it unique are its "whiskers"! These fleshy growths around the mouth are used to explore the environment and find food. Believe me, when I see these little guys cleaning the aquarium windows with their moustaches, it always makes me smile!

A South American origin

Native to the Amazonian basins, the red ancistrus is native to countries such as Brazil, Peru and Colombia. In the wild, it can be found in slow-moving waterways rich in vegetation and dead wood. This explains its cleaning behaviour: it feeds mainly on algae and plant debris, which it scrapes off surfaces with its sucker-like mouth.

A colourful variety popular with aquarists

L'ancistrus red is a variety selected for its vivid colouring. Unlike its rather dull wild cousins, it has a beautiful red coat that can vary from orange-red to dark red. This flamboyant colour makes it a much sought-after fish for adding a touch of pizzazz to an aquarium. I remember a customer once saying to me, "It's like having a little red dragon in your aquarium!" And frankly, I couldn't disagree with him!

Maintenance and care of red ancistrus in aquariums

The right habitat for happy fish

For your red ancistrus to flourish, you need to provide it with an environment that resembles its natural habitat. Here are a few essential points:

  • An aquarium of at least 100 litres for a group
  • A temperature between 22°C and 28°C
  • A slightly acidic pH (between 6.5 and 7.5)
  • Hiding places (roots, PVC pipes, rocks)
  • A thin substrate to avoid damaging the barbels

Don't forget that these fish love to nibble wood! So add a few pieces of hardwood to your aquarium - they'll be very grateful.

A varied diet for an efficient cleaner

Although the red ancistrus is mainly herbivorous, it appreciates a varied diet. Here is a small table summarising its ideal diet:

Type of food Frequency Examples
Plants Daily Seaweedcourgettes, spinach
Tablets for groundfish 2-3 times a week Spirulina tablets, seaweed tablets
Proteins Once a week Artemia, bloodworms (in moderation)

Personally, I love watching my ancistrus feast on courgette slices. It's like a little feast for them!

Compatibility and social behaviour

The red ancistrus is a peaceful fish that generally gets on well with its congeners and most other peaceful species. However, they can sometimes be territorial, especially males among themselves. To avoid conflicts, provide plenty of space and hiding places.

If you're looking for bin mates for your ancistrus, why not opt for mollys ? These little viviparous fish are easy to keep and bring life to your aquarium. What's more, it's fun to learn to tell the difference between males and females!

Red Ancistrus: all you need to know about this aquarium cleaning fish

Reproduction and breeding of red ancistrus

Breeding red ancistrus in an aquarium is not very complicated, but it does require a few specific conditions. Here are the key steps for successfully breeding these adorable little cleaners:

  1. Sexing Males have more developed "horns" on their snout.
  2. Spawning conditions : Lower the temperature slightly and increase the water changes.
  3. Egg-laying site Provide a dark cavity (PVC tube, hollowed-out coconut).
  4. Parental care The male guards and ventilates the eggs for about a week.
  5. Fry rearing Feed them powdered food and micro-worms.

I remember the first time I saw the ancistrus eggs hatch. Seeing those tiny tadpoles emerge from their shells was truly magical!

The benefits of red ancistrus for your aquarium

As well as its undeniable charm, red ancistrus plays a crucial role in your aquarium's ecosystem. As a natural cleaner, it helps maintain a healthy environment for all its inhabitants. Here are just a few of its superpowers:

  • Combating the proliferation of algae
  • Cleaning surfaces (glass, rocks, roots)
  • Consumption of plant debris
  • Oxygenation of the substrate by excavation

What's more, their constant activity adds dynamism to your aquarium. It's a real sight to see them busy cleaning every nook and cranny of the tank!

Ultimately, theancistrus red is much more than just an ornamental fish. It's a real ally in keeping your aquarium healthy. So if you're looking for a useful and endearing companion for your tank, don't hesitate: adopt a red ancistrus! You won't regret it, and your aquarium will thank you.

Sources :

wiki aquaculture

wiki fish farming

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