Ancistrus cirrhosus: everything you need to know about this cleaning fish

Fresh water


The article in brief

The Ancistrus cirrhosus is a captivating cleaner fish from South America, appreciated by aquarists for its unique characteristics. Here are the key points:

  • Distinctive appearance elongated body, suction cup mouth and tentacles on the snout
  • Cleaning skills The aquarium : feeds on algae, keeping the aquarium clean
  • Easy maintenance Adapting well to the aquarium, peaceful temperament
  • Interesting reproduction : exciting process with parental care of the male
  • Valuable ally contributes to the balance of the aquatic ecosystem

L'Ancistrus cirrhosus is a captivating cleaner fish that I've had the pleasure of working with throughout my career in pet shops. Native to South America, this little aquatic creature with its elongated body and sucker-shaped mouth quickly won the hearts of aquarists. Affectionately nicknamed the "hairy catfish" or "whiskered pleco", it is distinguished by its unique appearance and peaceful behaviour. Let me show you the secrets of this charming aquarium resident.

Physical characteristics and natural habitat

Ancistrus cirrhosus belongs to the Loricariidae family, a group of South American catfish. Here are a few distinctive features of this species:

  • Adult size: generally between 7 and 9 cm, reaching a maximum of 14 cm
  • Body: elongated with a flat belly and compressed head
  • Colour: dark brown to blackish with light markings
  • Particularity: tentacles on the snout, more developed in males

In the wild, these charming fish can be found in the freshwater rivers and streams of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Guyana. Their bodies are covered in numerous bony plates, with the exception of their bellies, a fascinating adaptation to their natural environment.

An unrivalled cleaner

The Ancistrus cirrhosus is best known for its talent as a cleaner. Thanks to its suction-cup-shaped mouth, it tirelessly scours the surfaces of the aquarium, feasting on the dirt and debris of the water. algae that develop there. I've often been impressed by the efficiency with which these little fish keep their habitat clean. It's a real pleasure to watch them in action!

Sexual dimorphism

An interesting feature of this species is its sexual dimorphism. Males have more developed tentacles on their snouts, giving them their characteristic "moustachioed" appearance. This difference becomes particularly noticeable in adulthood, making it much easier for aquarists to identify the sexes.

Aquarium maintenance and behaviour

As a keen aquarist, I can't recommend the Ancistrus cirrhosus enough for its ease of care. Here are a few tips to ensure its well-being in captivity:

Parameter Recommended value
Minimum volume 80-120 litres
Temperature 18-30°C (ideally 24-28°C)
pH 5.5-7.6
Hardness 1-14°dGH

These fish like slightly acidic water with low mineral content, which reproduces their natural conditions as closely as possible. Don't hesitate to add hiding places and roots to your aquarium, as the Ancistrus cirrhosus is rather shy and nocturnal by nature.

A peaceful roommate

One of the things I like most about the Ancistrus cirrhosus is its peaceful temperament. These fish are sociable and fit perfectly into a community aquarium. I often recommend keeping them in small groups, as this promotes their well-being and allows you to observe exciting interactions between them.

However, bear in mind that males can sometimes be territorial with each other. One amusing anecdote comes to mind: I once observed two males engaged in a "moustache" duel, each trying to impress the other with his tentacles! It was an amusing spectacle that fortunately ended without damage.

A varied diet

Although renowned for its appetite for algae, the Ancistrus cirrhosus is in fact omnivorous. To ensure a balanced dietI recommend varying your intake:

  • Natural algae in the aquarium
  • Plant supplements (courgettes, blanched spinach)
  • Specific granules for groundfish
  • Occasionally, small invertebrates (artemia, daphnia)

This dietary diversity will contribute to the health and longevity of your Ancistrus, which can live between 5 and 6 years in good conditions.

Ancistrus cirrhosus: everything you need to know about this cleaning fish

Reproduction and growth

The reproduction of the Ancistrus cirrhosus is an exciting process that I have been lucky enough to observe on several occasions. It is similar to that of its cousin, the Ancistrus dolichopterus. Here are the key stages:

  1. The male chooses and cleans a nest cavity
  2. He attracts the female with courtship displays
  3. The female lays her eggs in the cavity
  4. The male fertilises the eggs and protects them
  5. Hatching takes place after 4 to 6 days

Once the fry are born, the male continues to look after them for a few days. It's a touching sight to see these little Ancistrus exploring their new environment under the watchful eye of their father.

Growth and development

Young Ancistrus cirrhosus grow relatively quickly. Within a few weeks, you will already be able to see the typical characteristics of the species taking shape. It is interesting to follow their development to adult sizea process that generally takes several months.

To encourage optimum growth, make sure you provide a suitable diet and maintain impeccable water quality. Young Ancistrus are particularly sensitive to variations in parameters, so it's crucial to be vigilant during this period.

Tips for successful reproduction

If you want to get started inadventure in the reproduction of Ancistrus cirrhosusHere are a few tips I've learnt over the years:

  • Offer several suitable hiding places (PVC tubes, hollowed-out coconuts).
  • Maintain a slightly higher temperature (26-28°C) to stimulate reproduction
  • Increase the frequency of water changes to simulate the rainy season
  • Feed broodstock plenty of protein-rich food

With a little patience and care, you may be able to see a new generation of Ancistrus cirrhosus being born in your aquarium. It's a truly rewarding experience for any keen aquarist!

An invaluable ally for your aquarium

In the final analysis, the Ancistrus cirrhosus is much more than a simple cleaner fish. It's a captivating creature with an endearing personality and an important ecological role to play in our aquariums. Its presence not only adds a touch of visual originality, but also contributes to the balance of the aquatic ecosystem.

In my years of experience in pet shops, I've seen many aquarists fall under the spell of these little 'hairy catfish'. Their ease of care, peaceful behaviour and efficiency as cleaners make them ideal companions for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.

Don't hesitate to add a few Ancistrus cirrhosus to your aquarium. I'm sure you'll quickly be won over by their unique charm and their valuable contribution to the life of your little aquatic world. And who knows, maybe you'll become a fervent admirer of these adorable underwater 'whiskers' like me!

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wiki fish farming

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